Friday, January 22, 2010

a friend today said yoga? and i said let's do it. i have to admit it is, so far away from being considered a sport,but on a brighter note it helps some, spiritually?for me it could be the solution with my battle against loosing more weight. I should love sports. wait I did 10 years ago, when it involved tracks,balls and well more tracks.

i turned 25 a couple of days/weeks ago. I lost track.I wished I was as happy as I was about birthdays as I was when I was 16. truth is, now,I feel nothing. birthdays, it comes and it goes. and everytime it does, I can't help but feel a bit sad for some unknown reason. but the effort and kind wishes from closed ones and random people had help me realize the importance of a the only day that belongs to me.

tonight i feel like watching while you were sleeping. a perfect movie for someone who's about to loose her voice.

it will be a good night.

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