Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ramadhan and you.

Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan.:)

I truly do love Ramdhan. The wake up calls for sahurs, sahurs, the sound of Azan during berbuka, kurmas and mama's cooking, the call for terawikh, and how safe I feel during the month. It is a month full of goodness. and it is a month that bring us family closer together. I like how we unite at the dining table. I wish pa was with us every day. I wish Ina and the kids were not staying so far away.But that is what life is. You can never really have everything.

I realize sometimes, I do not think of pa as much as I did before. And it makes me sad knowing this sometimes. How can I forget so easily, someone who had been a huge part of my life. I try to recall pieces of your memories but sometimes I can't remember.

I'm sorry pa. I don't mean to forget. But sometimes It helps thinking you went on a long journey. That way, I will miss you, but life, will still be endurable.

1 comment:

Only Kye said...


sometimes we need to put memories of them to rest in a safe place while we go out there and we live to see and do the things they didn't get to.
but they're never gone insyaAllah. we get them back during prayers and quieter times.